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News & Insights

Here at RH, we believe in the power of teaching and learning. Gaining knowledge helps us do our jobs better, and sharing it makes our industry stronger and better able to help those we serve.


Aligning Our Social Media with Our Mission

The Reese Hackman team is excited to share our new website. The vision for our website evolved over the past two years from a traditional website that focused on typical “marketing data” such as project size, construction value, and services rendered to a website with a focus on celebrating the achievements of our clients. (more…)
October 18, 2023

Simple Steps to Navigating Building Supply Chain Issues

Over the past two years, the construction and design industry has faced mounting delays associated with supply chain issues. At the root of the problem is a combination of the lingering results of production shutdowns resulting from the pandemic and a robust construction economy with “pent up” demand. (more…)
October 11, 2023

Wi-Fi It? Upgrading Your Wireless Network

For many of our clients, the demand for a fast and reliable Wi-Fi network is imperative. The move to high-speed, high-capacity Wi-Fi networking equipment has allowed wireless networks to transition from being a supplemental network to becoming the primary means by which we connect to any network, whether at home, work, or in public spaces. (more…)
October 8, 2023

A Light Source of a Different Color

Most of us have heard the story of a football team painting the visitors’ locker room pink to psych out the opposing players before they take the field. Studies have shown that color can indeed have an effect, significant at times, on the way a person feels in a space and their overall mood. (more…)
October 7, 2023

Evolving Arc-Fault Protection

According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the average estimated number of home fires that involved electrical failure or malfunction each year between 2015 and 2019 was 46,700. (more…)
October 5, 2023

Why Not Teams or Zoom as My Phone System?

Microsoft Teams and Zoom are powerful collaboration and communication platforms that became widely used by businesses and communities since 2020. In addition to their robust collaboration and productivity tools, Teams and Zoom both offer a range of features that make it an ideal choice for a business phone system. (more…)
September 21, 2023

The Net Worth of Your Network

For many of us the Internet has become as ubiquitous as flipping a light switch or turning on the water faucet. Providing reliable and robust Internet access is a must in the modern Senior Living community. There are several ways for a community to provide Internet access to its residents. (more…)
September 21, 2023
Company News

Designer Mark Ekberg Featured in LD+A Magazine

Reese Hackman Designer, Mark Ekberg, was recently featured in the Emerging Professionals column of LD+A, the magazine of the Illuminating Engineering Society. Mark's passion for his work and and the joy he gets from helping people through design is truly inspiring. We're proud to have him here at Reese Hackman. (more…)
February 8, 2023

Filling the VoIP VoID

It is not a matter of if, but a matter of when, VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) will become the standard for voice communications. VoIP is the process of converting voice transmissions into digital data packets and sending them over the data network or Internet. (more…)
February 6, 2023

Building Better Models by Building Better Relationships

The prevalence of technology in the design business today means that team members are literally sharing gigabytes of information at fiber optic speeds.  For the most part, this is great.  We can work faster and almost anywhere in the world with near instantaneous access to the latest update of the last square foot.  (more…)
January 27, 2023